Listening Without Thinking

Listening Without Thinking

A profound article from McCook author, White Feather, on communication dynamics
that will be helpful for anyone in a relationship or anyone who deals
with other human beings on a daily basis:

Pricks and Pain

Hot Chile Peppers

This curious and interesting article is not just about hot chile peppers.
It is also about brain science, tongue science and mass social perspectives....

Thieves, Rascals & Sore Losers: The Unsettling History of the Dirty Deals that Helped Settle Nebraska

Book Review

Thieves, Rascals and Sore Losers - Nebraska

On they came, from Belgium and New Hampshire, from Ireland, Germany and Scandinavia, from the Chicago fire, from the territories: Utah, Wyoming, Kansas, the Dakotas.

All the way they brawled, about Indians, about border lines, about slavery, about who was the bigger imbecile. And then they fought County Seat Wars in most of the 3,000 new counties. A thousand of those remaining ended up in south central Nebraska, scrapping about Harlan County and which still-imagined town should hold the seat of government......

Abundance Is Giving

Abundance Is Giving

Do you want to know the real, true secret to abundance?
Have you been searching for a secret for years?
This short article (by McCook author White Feather)
may very well hold the key.....
Prepare for an epiphany!

The Power of the Mind in Health and Healing

A science-based tutorial about using the power of your mind to heal your body and maximize your intuition

Your mind as consciousness creates your reality, and when you know how to effectively work with all of its parts, you can do some very powerful and amazing things, like heal your body or intuit something you could not have logically known

This tutorial is designed to take you on a journey of mind-body mastery starting with the basics of mindfulness and meditation, and then advancing to working with your subconscious mind to facilitate healing. I've included some of the latest mind-body research blended with spirituality to help you understand the power of your mind

Learn more here: Power of the Mind in Health and Healing

Journey to Morning: A Story of the 1888 Nebraska Blizzard

 Book Review

Journey to Morning - Nebraska

All Jake had to worry about on that unseasonably warm January day was remembering his homework, meeting up with friends and avoiding the school bully. Little did he know that in just a few short hours, he’d be struggling to survive a violent winter storm. Based on a true event, Journey to Morning by Nebraska native Scott E. Miller chronicles the life and death challenges that Nebraska pioneers faced on that fateful day in 1888......

Are You Eating Thai Food Correctly?

Thai Food Customs

If you think you are being authentic by using chopsticks when eating Thai food you
are sadly mistaken. Find out why in this new article by M. K. Albus at Culinary McCook:

Culinary McCook

What To Do When Your Partner Lacks Empathy


If you are with a partner who is narcissistic and lacks empathy, don't count on this changing. You need to either accept that this person will likely never truly care about your feelings and the effect their behavior has on you, or you need to leave. Trying to change a person who currently lacks the ability to feel empathy is...... Keep reading here: What To Do When Your Partner Lacks Empathy