Cat Returns Home 5 Years After Katrina

Incredible Stories

Scrub the cat was only two years old when Hurricane Katrina hit. He had been an indoor cat but when the power went out after the hurricane and there was no air conditioning, his owner Jennifer Noble let him outside so that he could cool off. It wasn't long before he wandered off and got lost.

Luckily Scrub was microchipped so when he turned up at a South Mississippi Humane Shelter 5 years later and 15 miles away from home he was identified and returned to his home. Jennifer was quite skeptical when she first got the call from the Humane Society but realized it was him when she picked him up. Scrub, who is now 7 years old, had a small chunk missing from one of his ears and he had another deep scar but otherwise he was in good health. On his first night home, Scrub went immediately to his old favorite spot where he had always slept.

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