$800,000 To Protect Farm and Ranch Land

"In an effort to protect agricultural land in Nebraska, USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has announced that $800,000 will be available to successful applicants through the Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP). Nebraska conservation partners and land preservation groups have until Feb. 1, 2011, to apply."

"The Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program is a voluntary program that helps farmers and ranchers keep their land in agriculture while preventing conversion of the land to nonagricultural uses. FRPP provides matching funds to existing farmland preservation programs, such as Land Trusts, state, or local government programs. These programs then purchase the development rights from farmers and ranchers and place an agricultural easement on the land. The land remains in the farmer’s or rancher’s hands, but the development pressure is reduced because the perpetual easement keeps the land in agricultural use.

"NRCS is seeking proposals from organizations interested in acquiring conservation easements on farms and ranches......" Find out more details here

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