Showing posts with label Women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Women. Show all posts

What To Do When Your Partner Lacks Empathy


If you are with a partner who is narcissistic and lacks empathy, don't count on this changing. You need to either accept that this person will likely never truly care about your feelings and the effect their behavior has on you, or you need to leave. Trying to change a person who currently lacks the ability to feel empathy is...... Keep reading here: What To Do When Your Partner Lacks Empathy

Love, Leadership, and Women

Quotation of the Week
"Love is the greatest power we all have. Leaders don’t like to speak about love and compassion… they don’t think it’s manly. That’s why the 21st century is going to be the century of women." - Vincente Fox (Former President of Mexico)

There Are More Benefits To Calcium Than Women Might Think

(ARA) - Eighty percent of women don't get enough calcium from food alone, according to a recent study conducted by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. That means women's bodies are stealing calcium from their bones.

Many foods like milk and other dairy products are well known to be prime sources of calcium. Calcium is a crucial nutrient that helps build and maintain bones, muscles and teeth. It also keeps us moving by helping to maintain muscle health and strength. But taking a calcium supplement alone isn't enough. The NIH reports that vitamin D intake is also important because it improves calcium absorption.

But many women are falling short of meeting their recommended daily calcium allowance - between 1,000 mg and 1,200 mg. In fact, many assume that a drop of milk in their morning cup of coffee will provide all the calcium they need for the day. Ladies may be surprised to learn that an eight ounce glass of skim milk only makes up 30 percent of the calcium they need each day.

If you are not getting enough calcium or enough exercise, your body is more likely to steal the calcium it needs from your bones.

Risks of not enough calcium

One of the most common risks of not getting enough cacium is osteoporosis, a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue. Osteoporosis can lead to bone fragility. Without bone-density testing, you may not know you're suffering from osteoporosis until you suffer a fracture - which happens to half of all women older than 50.

Starting young

If you think calcium is important only when you're older, think again. NHANES also found that 90 percent of teenage girls aren't getting enough calcium through diet alone. Since boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 18 years old need 1,300 mg of calcium per day, getting a head start on healthy habits can prove vital in providing a strong nutritional foundation as they get older.

Finding the right supplement

If you don't get enough calcium through your diet, then supplements, like Caltrate, are a good compliment to giving your body the nutrients it needs to help keep your bones strong and your body moving. These days, calcium supplements, like Caltrate, are available in tablets, soft chews and gummy forms and most can be taken with or without food. However, calcium alone isn't enough. Calcium should be taken in conjunction with vitamin D because it helps the body absorb calcium for the development and maintenance of bones. It also supports mobility as it may help improve muscle health and strength.

Caltrate helps replenish the calcium and vitamin D3 women need each day. To highlight that commitment, Caltrate is partnering with Susan G. Komen for the Cure as a national sponsor of Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure series.

To learn more about the importance of calcium and vitamin D in your diet, for special offers and product information, and to share your story about who, or what, moves you, visit

User's Guide to Calcium & Magnesium: Learn What You Need to Know about How These Nutrients Build Strong Bones, by Nan Kathryn Fuchs. Calcium is essential for health, but it actually works best with magnesium to build strong bones, maintain a healthy heart, improve mood, and reduce uncomfortable premenstrual symptoms. The User's Guide to Calium & Maganesium explains the health benefits of this nutritional team and how you can use them to enhance health. Nan Kathryn Fuchs, Ph.D., is a nutritionist in private practice in Sebastopol, California, as well as a health educator. She is author of several books....More

The Real Cause Of Ovarian Cysts

By Carol Foster
Ovarian cyst is a collection of fluids, which is surrounded by a slender wall within the ovary. Ovarian cysts raise concern among many women, especially in childbearing age. While a majority of the ovarian cysts are simply functional in nature, some ovarian cysts can turn out to be cancerous. As the first step of correctly diagnosing and treating ovarian cysts is to locate the cause of the disease, it is essential to understand the possible causes of ovarian cysts. However, there is no single cause of ovarian cysts. Ovarian cyst can be triggered by a variety of primary factors and secondary factors. It is imperative to understand these different factors in order to seek appropriate treatment.

Primary factors of ovarian cysts:

There are many primary factors, which lead to ovarian cysts. These factors should not be isolated however, as sometimes the combination of these factors can together lead to the causes of ovarian cysts.

Genetic predisposition: Genetic predisposition is often considered to be the primary cause of ovarian cyst as research has shown that the genetic pattern of women who suffer from this chronic condition is different as compared to women who never get ovarian cysts or PCOS. However, this should not be a death warrant as many times the genetic characteristics can be modified with the help of environmental factors and proper lifestyle related changes.

Poor dietary choices: Different types of food including the ones rich in carbohydrates, junk food toxic food and acidic food can bring about hormonal imbalance and can weaken your immune system making you more vulnerable to ovarian cyst. Similarly diet rich in sugar and low on fresh vegetables can make the task of flushing out toxins difficult thereby aggravating ovarian cyst problem.

Weak immune system: A weak immune system invites trouble, as it is not able to put up a natural fight against ovarian cyst triggers. Many factors including dietary factors and sleep deprivation can lead to weakened immune system.

Insulin resistance: High level of insulin can stimulate ovarian androgen production, which leads to the production of male hormones. This reduces the serum sex-hormone binding globulin or SHGB. The SHBG can in turn aggravate the ovarian cyst condition to quite an extent.

Failed ovulation process: Sometimes, the ovaries fail to release egg on a monthly basis. This fails to produce progesterone and brings about hormonal imbalance. This can then lead to the formation of ovarian cysts.

Besides the above primary factors, toxins in liver and even environmental toxins can aggravate ovarian cysts. Hence, ovarian cyst condition is not a simple one to understand or treat. Conventional wisdom blinded by hackneyed forms of treatment cannot treat and cure ovarian cysts. To treat this complex disease, a multidimensional view adopted by the holistic approach is needed. Holistic approach is also effective as it deals with a variety of factors and manages to find out the root cause of the disease. Then, systematically with a comprehensive method, the practitioner can help you bring about many lifestyle changes, which can aid in treatment. Hence, when it comes to curing ovarian cyst, a holistic approach is required to understand the causes of ovarian cysts and to treat this condition in a scientific and holistic manner.

This article is based on the book, "Ovarian Cyst Miracle" by Carol Foster. Carol is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated her life to creating the ultimate holistic ovarian cyst solution guaranteed to permanently cure all types of ovarian cysts and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life, naturally, without the use prescription medication or surgery, and without any side effects. Learn more by visiting her website:

The Female Athlete Triad: Could You Be At Risk?

By Vince DelMonte
One major issue that many women who are getting serious about their workouts start to deal with is known as the female athlete triad.

The female athlete triad can affect a wide variety of individuals, from someone training for a rigorous competitive sport to someone who is simply trying to take their physique to a new level. Most commonly it is seen in activities that do place a high amount of focus on the image of the body, such as ballet, gymnastics, figure skating, and women’s fitness.

It’s important that you learn to recognize exactly what the female athlete triad consists of so that you are not only aware if you are already experiencing it but also, you learn what you can do to protect yourself from further damage taking place.

The Three Main Components Of The Female Athlete Triad

The female athlete triad, like the name suggests, is composed of three big factors.

1. Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea can be defined as the cessation of the menstrual cycle, after it had previously been somewhat regular, for three or more months in a row. While some women may just be irregular, the key here is that they are not getting periods at all. It can be slightly difficult to establish if this is your issue if you have always been irregular, but most often even those who are irregular will get at least one menstrual period of a three month cycle.

2. Eating Disorders

The second component of the female athlete triad is the presence of any one of the various eating disorders that are seen. This could be anorexia, bulimia, binge-eating disorder, or an unclassified disorder (unhealthy relationship with food). Remember to keep in mind here that one does not need to be fully starving themselves to have an eating disorder. You could simply be feeling extreme amounts of guilt after even a small detour from your diet and this could classify you as having an eating disorder or unhealthy relationship with food.

3. Osteoporosis

Then, the third factor in this condition is osteoporosis. This factor particularly, is very detrimental to the woman as it could set her up to experience an increased risk of stress fractures or broken bones for the rest of her life. Many women also start to remove dairy products from their diet as they believe it will cause weight gain and once again, this only further enhances the problem. Additionally, this factor usually comes about because of the previous two factors.

What Causes The Female Athlete Triad

In terms of what causes this condition to develop, there have been many research studies that have tried to determine just this and unfortunately there isn’t once single precipitating factor, but rather, it’s a combination of factors that seem to be at play.

First, usually what causes the condition to strike is that the individual is not consuming enough total daily calories. This seems to be the most important part of the equation; therefore, if you are hoping to avoid the development of these problems, eating enough is your best preventative mechanism. As an easy general guideline, for weight loss, the lowest number of calories you consume should be ten times your body weight.

So for example, a female weighing 130 pounds would require a minimum of 1300 calories each day – and this is for maximum fat loss.

The second thing that needs to be looked at is the woman’s overall body composition. Women need so much fat on their bodies in order to function effectively. When there is a lack of total body fat, problems occur, particularly with the reproductive system – as seen with the loss of the periods.

Usually these two are interconnected as many times a woman is not taking in enough total calories will obviously have a lower body fat level.
Between the two though, total calories is more important as there are a select few who are able to maintain quite low body fat percentages, yet still avoid the development of this problem.

Why is this? It’s because they are eating enough calories to maintain their weight, their weight is just a lot of lean mass and little fat tissue.

Finally, the third reason that this condition can develop is because of overexercising. When a woman overdoes it in the gym or on the court/field, she is starting to place an inordinate amount of stress on her system, and both her CNS and reproductive system will respond in a negative way. Rest is very critical in any workout program and should be scheduled in regularly.

So, the three main points to watch out for are a loss of your periods, abnormal or unhealthy eating behaviors, and a workout schedule that allows you very little, if any rest at all.

If you are suffering from any of those, or a combination of them, you may want to speak to a professional (both medical and psychological), as all three are very interrelated, with the development of one often leading to the development of another.

If, on the other hand, you are already experiencing problems, then your first step is to cut back on the amount of exercise you are doing and your second step is to increase the amount of calories you are consuming. Increase the calories slightly slowly as this might be a scary process for you, aiming for a weekly increase of about 10% of your total current intake each week. This will also allow the metabolism to keep up with this increased amount of food and prevent you from gaining any weight in the process.

If you complete both of these objectives, you should find that slowly your body fat levels also become more regulated, which fixes the last issue of this disorder.

So, if this sounds like it could be a condition you are experiencing or are at risk of experiencing, be sure to have a good hard look at your training and eating habits. Your health should always be the number one priority, even if some of you would rather place looks as your main objective.

About the Author:

Vince DelMonte is the author of No Nonsense Muscle Building: Skinny Guy Secrets To Insane Muscle Gain found at He specializes in teaching skinny guys how to build muscle and gain weight quickly without drugs, supplements and training less than before.

© 2006-2008, Vince DelMonte Fitness. All rights in all media reserved.

Women Opening More Businesses Than Men

According to the Center for Women's Business Research, around forty percent of all businesses in America are owned or co-owned by women. Between 2002 and 2007 almost twice as many businesses were created by women as by men. But male owned businesses took out far more loans. This tendency of women entrepreneurs to take out fewer loans and grow more slowly is well known. "Women tend to be ... more conservative and careful in their financial-management practices," says Susan Coleman, professor of economics at Hartford University in Connecticut. That may be the right strategy for this era, says Dr. Cornwall. "Those businesses that right now are taking on less debt are going to be those that are much stronger coming out of the recession......" Read more about this business trend.

Forts and Women's Rights

The Nebraska State Historical Society's Brown Bag Lecture Series featured Jeff Barnes' lecture "Forts of Nebraska" earlier this year. For those unable to attend, the lecture is now available on video. It is in eight parts and can be viewed here.

Judge Laurie Smith-Camp also recently gave a Brown Bag Lecture entitled, "Women's Rights Fast Forward for Fifty Years." That lecture is also now available on video and can be viewed here.

New Mothers' Brains Grow Bigger

New MothersNewScientist - "Motherhood may actually cause the brain to grow, not turn it into mush, as some have claimed. Exploratory research published by the American Psychological Association found that the brains of new mothers bulked up in areas linked to motivation and behavior, and that mothers who gushed the most about their babies showed the greatest growth in key parts of the mid-brain."

"Led by neuroscientist Pilyoung Kim, PhD, now with the National Institute of Mental Health, the authors speculated that hormonal changes right after birth, including increases in estrogen, oxytocin and prolactin, may help make mothers' brains susceptible to reshaping in response to the baby......" Read the full article here