Does God Smile on Genetically Modified Crops?

By Eric Steinman
Unless you have been living in a hole for the last few months, you have undoubtedly heard about the multitude of leaked diplomatic cables that served as an early Christmas present to the world, courtesy of the muckraking website WikiLeaks. While the majority of the attention surrounding these “leaks” have been devoted to the many diplomatic cables concerning U.S. wars currently being fought (Afghanistan and Iraq, in case you needed a reminder) as well as a few embarrassing trivial matters between diplomats abroad, but buried deep within the WikiLeaks kerfuffle were a few interesting diplomatic matters concerning genetically modified (GM) foods and the attempt by certain U.S. diplomats and multinationals to make these foods more appetizing to the European Union (E.U.).

One of the key players in this controversy was the Vatican...... Continue reading

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