Ranchers Oppose Yellowstone Bison Relocation


BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Ranchers are voicing concern about plans to relocate some Yellowstone Park bison to Indian reservations in Montana and Wyoming. The ranchers are worried about the animals' history of carrying brucellosis, a disease that causes domestic cows to miscarry.

"There isn't anyone up here who wants it. It's a cockamamie idea, and it's an experimental deal," said John Brenden, a Scobey rancher and legislator. "I don't like anybody experimenting on us."

At issue is the relocation of more than 40 bison, kept under quarantine for three years as part of an experiment to keep alive at least some of the bison migrating from Yellowstone National Park. 3 reservations want the animals for their bloodline purity

Bison that have left the park and tested positive for brucellosis have been slaughtered in Montana to prevent the animals from coming in contact with livestock.

However, the quarantined bison have tested negative for brucellosis for three years, been allowed to reproduce in captivity and are now ready for relocation. Three Indian reservations, the Fort Belknap and Fort Peck reservations in Montana and Wind River in Wyoming, have submitted proposals for acquiring the bison.

The animals are sought after because of bloodline purity, said Robbie Magnan, a tribal fish and game director who manages an existing herd of 117 bison on the Fort Peck Reservation. Park bison breed within their species, unlike their nonpark cousins that over the years have been crossbred with cattle.

Magnan said the park bison would not only improve the quality of the Fort Peck herd but also help tribal members return to a traditional diet low in carbohydrates and rich in bison meat. Diabetes is a serious problem on the reservation. Lowering carbohydrate consumption is considered key to managing blood sugar levels...... Continue reading

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