Mill Park Mystery: Nebraska to Nuremberg

Book Review
Mill Park Mystery: Nebraska to Nuremberg

Mill Park Mystery: Nebraska to Nuremberg, by RG Bud Phelps.
Mill Park was near the original location of Lake Curtis which was developed in the early 1900's as a recreational site for the citizens of Curtis, Nebraska. Two boys went to Mill Park that fatal day to watch the Nebraska National Guard perform their maneuvers. After the maneuvers were completed and the National Guard had returned to McCook the boys checked out the cave where the flash bombs and ammunition were stored, looking for some that may have been left behind. They found the cave empty of National Guard supplies but did find a mystery package hidden behind a camouflage drape. This was the beginning of the Mill Park Mystery adventure, and little did Reg Philso and George (Giorgio) Cornelli realize that the package found in a cave at Mill Park would lead them across the Atlantic, on a trip filled with intrigue and adventure in places that once were the hotbed of Nazi activity.......More